Asus is a highly popular brand which is due to its consistency, user-friendly interface, and Brand’s reliability. But just like every other electronic device, it is also not free from error. There are many error codes that you can face from time to time. One of the most common errors in Asus is the Asus error code 651.

Well, there are many reasons why you must have been facing this error particularly. It is as common as the users might have faced this error when they are using the Asus gadgets. You must be able to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Do not have to worry as we’re going to discuss some of the easiest solutions for the issue.

You can even get in touch with our experts for immediate help as they are experienced and will help you in resolving the issues. The Asus error code 651 Asus is a common windows issue that is executed when the user is trying to make an internet connection by using the PPPoE connections.

It is also possible that the users may have faced this issue in windows as well. Well, according to the Asus Router customer support executives, this is quite a common issue when you are using windows 7.

Let us see the steps through which you will be able to resolve the Asus error code 651.

Asus Error Code 651:

This is a common error for those who are using the point-to-point protocol over the ethernet. There are various reasons why that must have been happening. When there is a bad network on the BIOS and it is not able to detect the modem properly. Or there can be something wrong with the network driver as well.

You can face this issue any time when you are using the modem. Well, these are not the only causes of the issue as here are some of the technical issues that can also result in this error.

Some More Causes of the Asus Error Code 651:

Registry errors
IP address conflict
The Ras PPPOE. Sys file has been saved in the wrong location.

When you see that this error will occur, then you are going to see this message stating ‘connection failed with error 651’.

Lets us now see the Steps through which you can Resolve this Issue:

Reconnect the Router:

The uses are required to reconnect the internet connect device first. After that turn off the router and after 2 minutes, switch it on again. This might help you in making the connection again.

If you see that this is not working out, then try out the next step.

Reinstall the Network Adapter Drivers:

Well, the drivers are playing an important role in network communication. If you see that your device s connect to the PC with the help of the LAN cable. The network adapter has to be equipped with the appropriate and up-to-date package.

Windows 10 is going to take care of this easily and automatically. But, there is also the possibility that the driver software is out of date or damaged. Well, in this case, reinstalling the network drivers is one of the best ways to solve any of the resulting issues which could be the Asus Error code 651.

Replace the Current Version of the RAS PPPoE. sys file:

As it has been mentioned above, windows sometimes are going to use the universal adapter RAS PPPoE in order to set up the network adapters. This means that the raspppoe.sys is another culprit behind this error.

When you see this error, it could be the case where the file is damage. If you see that you have the second windows device where the LAN is working as usual, then there you can receive the damaged files with the intact version of it and this will help you to resolve the issue.

How to Fix Asus Error Code 401

Use the Manual Settings for the Speed:

If you did not have any success with the first three solutions, then you can also try to manually adjust the settings for the broadband connections. This will mean setting the transmission rate for the LAN connections to at least 10 M/bit in windows 10. It is also possible to goa s high as 100 Mbit/s or 1 G bit/s.

These are the steps through which you will be able to resolve the issue of Asus to error code 651. If you see that you are still getting it and are not able to resolve it, then you can get in touch with our experts and we’re going to help you out.

We will provide you with the best solutions! For more information visit our website.

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